
It is shown [1, 2], that Maxwell equations are invariant with respect to the Galilean transformation, i.e. the principle of relativity by Galileo is valid for them (we distinguish transformations of frames of reference and of co-ordinate systems). The complete group of linear transformations, with respect to which the Maxwell equations are covariant, is found, and it is demonstrated that Lorentz transformations present quite a particular case of the complete group.

The role, which electromechanical analogies play in the analytical mechanics of mass points, is well-known. For the electrodynamic equations, such analogies in the modern theoretical physics are not only unknown, but are even denied. In work [3], mathematically rigorous mechanical interpretation of the Maxwell equations is given, and it is shown that they are completely identical to the equations of oscillations of a non-compressible elastic medium. Thus it follows that in the Maxwell equations there is an infinite velocity of the propagation of extension waves, which is in the explicit contradiction with special relativity theory. In other words, electrodynamics and special relativity theory are incompatible. These analogies were established by Maxwell himself for the absence of charges, and in [3] they are proved for the general case.

The modified Maxwell equations are proposed [3 - 5]. In the modified theory, all the waves propagate with finite velocities, one of them has to be greater than the light velocity in vacuum. If this to consider the limit case, when this velocity tends to the infinity, the modified equations give the Maxwell equations in the limit. The waves with the ``superlight'' velocity are longitudinal. One cannot eliminate the possibility that these waves describe the phenomenon of radiation propagating with the velocity greater than the light velocity, which is claimed to be experimentally observed by some astronomers.

It is established [3 - 5] that in terms of this theory electrostatic states present hyperlight waves and are realised far from the wave front.

It is shown [3], that neither classical, nor modified Maxwell equations cannot describe correctly the interaction between the electrons and the nucleus of the atom. The way to solve this problem is indicated.

It is shown [6], that the mathematical description of an elastic continuum of two-spin particles of a special type is reduced to the classical Maxwell equations. The mechanical analogy proposed above allows to state unambigously that the vector of electric field is axial, and the vector of magnetic field is polar.

  1. Zhilin P.A. Galileo's equivalence principle and Maxwell's equations. St. Petersburg State Technical University. 1993. 40 p. (In Russian.)
  2. Zhilin P.A. Galileo's equivalence principle and Maxwell's equations // Mechanics and Control. Proc. of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 1994. N 448. P. 3-38. (In Russian.)
  3. Zhilin P.A. Reality and mechanics // Proc. of XXIII Summer School - Seminar “Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems”. St. Petersburg. 1996. P. 6-49. (In Russian.)
  4. Zhilin P.A. Classical and Modified Electrodynamics // New Ideas in Natural Sciences. Int. Conf. St. Petersburg, June 17-22, 1996. Part I - Physics. P. 73-82. (In Russian.)
  5. Zhilin P.A. Classical and Modified Electrodynamics // Problems of Space, Time and Motion. Int. Conf. dedicated to the 350th anniversary of Leibniz. St. Petersburg. 1997. Vol. 2. P. 29-42.
  6. Zhilin P.A. The Main Direction of the Development of Mechanics for XXI century // Lecture at XXVIII Summer School - Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics ”. (In book: Zhilin P.A. Advanced Problems in mechanics. Selection of articles. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg. Edition of IPME RAS. 2006. 271 p.)